ANSA) - Naples, 23 November -
"Caldoro stop the act by Don Novello abundance."
E 'invitation Luca Stamati , the provincial coordination of the A Napoli Marino reaction.
" The disastrous situation in which waste
pay the city and the province of Naples - stresses -
choices requires drastic and immediate, it must immediately find places where
spilled waste still on the road.
must issue an order horas to the identification of sites
interim storage or the use of landfills already
existing on the territory of Campania. Only in this way can
be credible in the eyes of other Italian regions which
asking for solidarity. The only one who has, by law, the powers
for this choice is the president of the regional
Caldoro .
" Stop it - he adds - to behave like a young Don
Abbondio and forms of authority. If you do not want or can not
resign and ask the government to be replaced. Tables bypartisan
institutional, technical tables, controversy over
skills for incinerators in Naples and Salerno, on
Carfagna, Blowjob, De Luca, Cirielli, etc. Cosentino. only
theater electoral and business. Only the cynical propaganda of citizens
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