published below our press release on the waste of Naples ....
Naples waste crisis ... We hope in S. Gennaro!?
Poor Naples and Campania poor after 16 years of special commissioners, 3 billion and 200 million euro spent and a "miracle " on live television (2 years ago) we are again an emergency waste.
an 'emergency, if you do not find a place to dispose of waste within 3 or 4 days, will be even worse than two years ago.
If the issue was not dramatic and comic farce would end.
But how?
Not more than two years ago and Bertolaso \u200b\u200b Berlusconi told us on television that the emergency was over, two years after they came back and told us that this new emergency would be resolved in 10 days and today, in the press Local Councillor environment and waste in the Campania region, of the same party of Prime Minister declares that the emergency exit " it will take 48 months 36 0 "!!??
The truth is that we are facing a Region and Province (to Naples) governed by an incapable and political scam.
On the issue of waste has caused more damage and Cesaro Caldoro in 5 months Bassolino and the center left in 10 years !
If you are unable to resolve the problem by doing and will ask the parliament to manifest inability commissarial!
What should we expect?
San Gennaro who are directly involved?
Naples ,10-November-2010 Luca Stamati
coor. Marino-Naples Area PD
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