Here is the press release yesterday on the issue of waste in Naples sent loop and that any local newspaper reported !
WASTE / NAPLES - manifestly fail '
The amount of waste on the streets of Naples is no longer tolerable.
Nothing would indicate that the institutions responsible for disposal are able to find solutions concrete quickly and effectively. The Neapolitans and the city can not accept this latest affront to their international image and to their quality of life. E ' shameful that after 16 years, 3 billion and 200 million spent a miracle on live TV, special laws and special commissioners are still a go go to the emergency. An emergency
mocking and tragic sinanche that is likely to result in danger to the health of the citizens of Naples.
The Province of Naples, by law responsible for disposal of waste, stop to hold meetings and technical meetings unnecessary and take all necessary steps to resolve the problem.
If the President of the province Naples will not or can not solve the problem and resign, because of its evident inability , ask the commissioner by the Government.
Naples ,16-11-2010 Luca Stamati
coord.prov. Area Marino-Pd
They do not publish, political parties and newspapers with powerful economic interests behind any critical voice but do not want to ... We remain steadfast!
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