We report our letter today on the controversy Dal Lago-Saviano courier sent to noon Tuesday and published 2001-June 2010 with the response of the editor of the daily Marco Demarco .
Left criticism of Dal Lake comes Meanwhile, another pamphlet
(of Luca Stamati by the Corriere del Mezzogiorno - Replies Marco Demarco )
Dear Editor, I read in one breath your article entitled also left critical Saviano "(Corriere del Mezzogiorno, 25 May).
concerned, as I continued reading, has been replaced by a strong curiosity, strong enough to decide to go buy the book by Alessandro Dal Lago to read it as soon as possible. I read the book, and since I could not "justify" the angry and 'metadiegetico' fury worthy of the critical scholar against the 'paper hero' Saviano, I re-read with meticulous care. But I could not give a plausible justification. So, I must confess, I gave up.
Then the other night, suddenly, a memory of youth has surfaced in my mind there was the lighting. This is a story that could provide a convincing explanation of all'intemerata Dal Lago.
recall that a few decades ago the newspaper I read regularly to love and ideal membership and then is the same man who edited the pamphlet Dal Lago, the manifesto, had a famous book of letters. Famous for its content and because the largest and most popular newspaper, the Corriere della Sera and the Republic , used it as a cue to start discussions under the umbrella during the little exciting from the point of view of the news in July and August. In one of those sunny days that I remember exactly the Corriere della Sera gave account of a letter the director of the manifesto in full feminist debate, reported the complaints of a reader who wrote, I quote from memory, more or less like this:
" Dear Editor: My husband is on the left, always read the manifesto and yet behaves a perfect male ... why? .
The answer, fulminant and full of common sense, Valentino Parlato was, again going from memory, something like this:
"Ca ra partner, we have a lot of discussion between us who gets to the office, if a woman or a man, and answer your letter to your question, but in the end we decided that we had not given the importance of unanimous opinion of all and all of us. The answer is simple ... even those who have left the law and manifest every day can be a jerk . "
responds Marco Demarco
A bit 'of sarcasm and a few drops of personal memory: From Lake so too is fixed. Right? I'm sorry, but I'm not. I met a left that did not care to argue too hard with Giovanni Falcone at the time of setting up national anti-Mafia prosecutor. And I can not understand why this same left today consider a "fool" anyone who has doubts about the myth of Roberto Saviano. Falcone was also under guard, and also Falcone was the subject of a failed attempt to ' Addaura. However, the left, unafraid to de-legitimize, the preferred Agostino Cordova, who at that time seemed more reliable. If the rule is never to question those who are exposed on the front anti-mafia or is life threatening, why was not satisfied in the case of the court of Palermo and instead relied on today? The truth is that nobody can escape to a public trial when the public has become his role. Even more legitimate, then, is the discussion on the literary dimension of Saviano. The field is open, and rightly so. And if From Lake takes out his red pencil, here these days is just another of a pamphlet critical of the profession that promotes instead, although without distinction, the author of Gomorra . The critic is Giulio Ferroni, who in his book Scripture to lose (Laterza), he rails against the "no slide" that characterizes too many contemporary writers. In particular, he breaks Ferroni authors that the success has made it untouchable. This is the case of Duke for the "suspension sweet" which makes a clone of Susanna Tamaro, and this is the case of Margaret Mazzantini i, "telling the sloppy and crude forms, and trivially charged excessive ' . The complaint also falls mercilessly on all kind New Italian Epic which, according to many, it belonged to the same Saviano. However, in the voice of the latter, Ferroni sees many positive data.
"The originality of Gomorrah - he writes - is not only the naming of evil, in direct inquiry into the debacle in which a part of Italy has been reduced to the domain of crime ... the authenticity of the testimony goes far beyond the limits of what that an outside view might look like a journalistic investigation or a sociological essay. " As I said, however, Ferroni also adds that "you can not exchange for Gomorrah an absolute literary masterpiece. " Worse still says Garrone's film of the same name. In short, no awe. At this point a good sign for all would be a comparison of Dal Lake and Ferroni . Perhaps the only way the debate on Gomorra Saviano and could take the right turn.
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