Here today our open letter to regional secretary of the CGIL and the regional secretary of the Democratic Party, written following the referendum of Pomigliano and appeared on the courier noon today at pg. 14 heading Speeches and Performances.
Here it is below ...
Courier noon (Thursday, June 24, 2010)
gravity and I would say Amendola
Dear Editor, I know for a long time the moral rigor of intellectual honesty Michele Gravano, segreteraio Regional CGIL. Precisely for this reason I would like to invite you to become a promoter with its organization of a national initiative on the issue of Pomigliano
not I shared her choice and the organization that represents the referendum Pomigliano, I was clearly sided with Fiom and the choice of defending the rights of workers against the blackmail of Fiat . A cynical and immoral
blackmail by a company that has as low government incentives and bonuses and then, taking advantage not only of the global crisis but also the special situation of economic hardship and social and Naples of Campania, has sought to impose an agreement halter questioning the constitutional rights and therefore unavailable for downloading solely on workers Pomigliano responsibility of national character.
The result of the percentages of articulated yes and no allows the referendum, in my view, an initiative to restart. Beyond the positions taken thus far I appeal publicly to the CGIL bell to champion, maybe together with other trade unions, a strong unified initiative that seeks to Fiat to confirm and start the investment and production new Panda to Pomigliano and reopen (or finally open) the negotiation for an agreement shared by all.
I would like to take this letter to appeal publicly to U.S. Secretary of the Regional Pd , Enzo Amendola . I wonder if my
regional secretary, and around him his team manager, he understood what happened to Pomigliano . The workers are still there and revive the issue of rights and labor, as a party to remember our history comes from.
A party that would take a few more meetings on issues such as Pomigliano rather than spend weeks in wearisome and useless discussions on the current candidate for the provincial secretary.
Luca Stamati
Provincial Coordinator Marino-Naples Area
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