Saturday, March 6, 2010

2 Pc Footie Pajamasewing Pattern

The Tuina massage

El curso de Tuin sigue bien, siempre es mas interesante ...
Everything is focused on pensamientoTaoista ... no precise dating because it was customary for each emperor, used to erase everything that had made the background ... the juice of thought is that everyone is part of the cosmic energy nature and everything around us ... that to live well and according to the essence that has been donated, we should live with respect for the laws of nature, using more natural, energetically valid, which can permeate to be long-lived and also to enjoy the cosmic energy ...
Taoism can not just study it, but you should enter, I shall put it into practice ... Could explicarvos the bases, how part of the Tao as desclara the yin and yang ... and deepness are used to the laws of the 5 movimentos ... may be I will soon ... because there's a lot to say! !
The meaning of massage is prevention ... and can be applied also to ourselves ... I love this ... the We understand that watching what happens in nature is exactly what happens us ... and as a way of saying that nature is indiga us what we do well, it's perfect!
Chinese medicine NEEDS born to survive, through observation, is a poor medina ...
says a Chinese proverb:
non when something goes well, do the massage first, then change the food, the agopuntura, medicated, and the final operations ulptimo ...
If we were not wrong constumbres contaminated beings also and above all of food, we could now understand what we istinto thing you need is to be better!
Food is more than just food ... it's also the emotional feelings of the people ..
massage is also and above all a power Escambia which aims to unlock it a movement ... pain is nothing less than a block of blood I of energy that the Chinese is, a set ... in short, to understand the energetic esquilibrio so that it can again be balanced, was through a set of maneuvers, manipulations and techniques more ...
the energy exchange is not always positive, so it is important that whoever does them will be in balance, be in your own heart ...
is like saying, if there is full and can not botteglia Entar nothing else in it, so it is for us and the energy of others!
Tacar is like stepping inside a person ... the touch is the way the baby istintiva to discover about the world ... and cabbage to go even before my migraines:) I think it is the fair for me:)
conclude with this curiosity: the essence that we received, telling us how long we have power in this life, the man is in the sperm, so were born tantric techniques to achieve the maximum pleasure without exprecos:) for a coalition of women is different, the essence is a colleague of delivery and the distances between a otro y lo ...
Keep track a Que buen dias:)

The Tuina course progresses well, it's always more interesting ...
Everything is focussed on Taoist thought ... there is a precise date, because it was tradition that each new emperor did delete everything that had been made by the previous ... the juice of thought says that we all we are part of the cosmic energy of nature and everything around us ... that in order to live well and according to the essence that was given to us, we live within the laws of nature, using all natural means, energetically good, that we will not only be long-lived, but also to enjoy the cosmic energy ...
Taoism you can not just be limited to study, you must enter inside, but most understand it ... I could explain to practice the basic thinking, starting with the Tao, from what it is, as manifested by the yin and yang, and how we need to further investigate the laws of the 5 movements. .. maybe do it later ... because there really much to say!
The effect of massage is prevention ... that can be applied perfectly well to themselves, this fascinates me, understanding that observing nature, the same is happening in her place in us as well ... And he said that nature tells us what is good, fits perfectly!
Traditional Chinese medicine, was founded for the survival, by observation, is a poor medicine ... says a Chinese proverb:
When things go wrong, first of all you do massage, then corrects himself food, then acupuncture .. if its not better then you go to drugs, and in last resort operation ...
If we were not contaminated by bad habits of any kind even and especially food, we will know instinctively what to do to feel better! And power is not only talking about food, but also the emotions of our relations with the people ..
Massage is also primarily an energy exchange that has the order to restore movement ... all pain is caused by a blockage of energy and or blood, which the Chinese are one ... in short, to understand the imbalance energy order to be restored through a series of maneuvers, manipulations and various techniques ...
the energy exchange is not always positive, so it is essential that those who practice, apply the massage is in balance, keep its center, but if a bottle is already full, just right, will not allow anything enter ... same goes for the energies in balance and imbalance ...
Tap is like stepping inside a person ... the touch is the way of the instinctive child about the world ... and with my touch before I pass the headache:) so I guess it is the right course for me:)
E termino telling you something: that the essence tells us how much energy has been given time to live on earth for the men's sperm ... so the more you use, plus it shortens the life ... in this regard were born, all the theories that tantric provide for the pursuit of pleasure, not using the essence of wasting:) For women it is different ... the essence is related to childbirth, and most are especially close in time, more time is shortened this essence ...
Good day to you all:)


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