early morning walk
[...] is so nice to leave in the morning, your senses rejuvenated, healthy soul purified from the bathroom and the long sip of oblivion that is night. With bold confidence look to the day waiting for you, but pleasantly delay to start, a gentleman of extraordinary range, not assimilated and do not bother, between dream and day, that was your prize for an 'honest conduct. L 'illusion of a stable life, simple, and contemplative collection, the illusion of belonging in all of yourself, makes you happy, that man has a tendency to consider his condition at the time, be it peaceful or intricate, quiet or passionate, as the real one, and enduring feature of his existence, and especially to raise immediately, in his imagination, every happy ex tempore a beautiful setting and inviolable custom, but in reality is doomed to improvise and live, from the moral point of view, on the day. And so now, inhaling the morning air, freedom and believe in your virtue, you should know where, and at the bottom also know that the world stands ready to avviluppartici its networks, and probably tomorrow you'll be back in bed until nine o'clock, because you have found the way home to the two, hot, dazed by passionate discussions ... And so be it. Today you are the man of thrift and good morning [...]
Thomas Mann-Dog and Master
[ ...] you're also the man who after this early morning walk, take the car, goes to the gas station and rants reading the price of gasoline: 1.507 € [...]
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