ANSA) - Naples, 8 February - The new garbage crisis in Naples intervenes Stamati Luca, a member of 'the Democratic Party National Assembly and provincial coordinator of the' area Marino, announcing the possibility to approach the judiciary against the governor of Campania Stefano Caldoro .
"Just speculation election - he says - and delay or omission on the skin of the Neapolitans, we turn to the prosecutor's office. Two thousand tonnes of uncollected rubbish, downtown streets and the outskirts of Naples sversatoio reduced to open with big rats feasting on piles of garbage, the citizens of Naples brittle and incredulous that, after a miracle of live television in 2008 and converted into yet another emergency ordinance reads January 26 last, they find themselves immersed in the emergence of new waste .
"We continue undeterred - continues Stamati - in the same nefarious conduct of the last sixteen years, dramatically denounced by the TV show "Jack direct."
rebounds responsibility, leadership announced as decisive and then returned, announcements of immediate solutions, and never adopted.
Yet the new law expressly provides extraordinary powers and clear institutional responsibilities. The landfill Chiaiano is now exhausted, Stir work slowly, the Acerra incinerator works in fits and starts, the trucks are lined up without being able to download, and the collection is slow ".
" According to the law - notes - responsibilities are in the hands of the President of the Province and the president of the regional , establishment figures who make statements in the papers and take an operational decision that is one.
The property benefits only the business and political interests diverted to the skin of Naples.
ask the regional group of my party, the Democratic Party to initiate a radical and urgent action on the institutional political chairman of the county council. The President Caldoro , which by law has the power to identify sites of spillage of waste also stop over provincial remain mired in the political balance of its political party and to take urgent measures required to solve the problem. "
" If it does happen - concludes Stamati - we will be forced to turn to the Prosecutor's Office denouncing the president of the regional office of the acts of omission and environmental disaster. "
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