What is happening in these hours dismay and baffled!
... I am very concerned after the results of the primaries is taken an internal feud, no holds barred, between two sides who have supported and Cozzolino Ranieri.
A whole inner-party feud and functional two "factions " that seem opposed antepoorre their personal destinies of the party and the city of Naples .
mutual accusations of vote rigging, vote-buying agreements with the local right and all this while on the work of the primary guarantee of that is checking the correctness of cosultazione and noting any appeals. The provincial and regional leadership team (the same expression " factions") is not able to control nothing and nobody. I sincerely hope that
Bersani and national leadership to intervene decisively to assert a sense of responsibility, to give a signal to many voters pd suicide and stop the drift of the party in Naples .
risk, rather than a risk now is that the party implodes and is delivered on a silver platter to the city right worst of Neapolitan history !
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