It takes strength to face their limitations and their fragility. It takes a lot.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Italy Commercial Rabbit Cages
It takes strength to face their limitations and their fragility. It takes a lot.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Teac Ag-vs900 Receiver
Mani, head and heart: if you find them in the same person, maybe you met Ozzo
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
What Does The Cervix Feel Like When On Period

What is happening in these hours dismay and baffled!
... I am very concerned after the results of the primaries is taken an internal feud, no holds barred, between two sides who have supported and Cozzolino Ranieri.
A whole inner-party feud and functional two "factions " that seem opposed antepoorre their personal destinies of the party and the city of Naples .
mutual accusations of vote rigging, vote-buying agreements with the local right and all this while on the work of the primary guarantee of that is checking the correctness of cosultazione and noting any appeals. The provincial and regional leadership team (the same expression " factions") is not able to control nothing and nobody. I sincerely hope that
Bersani and national leadership to intervene decisively to assert a sense of responsibility, to give a signal to many voters pd suicide and stop the drift of the party in Naples .
risk, rather than a risk now is that the party implodes and is delivered on a silver platter to the city right worst of Neapolitan history !
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
The Bottom Less Part In Harold And Kumar
Monday, January 24, 2011
Can You Do Mma With Genital Warts
But I wish that the memory should remain alive even when compared to others: all the Palestinians killed in the meantime, for example. And to all the countries in war, even now, as we read here and fuck. For the seventeen states in the war in Africa. In Asia, twelve and fifty-two between separatist guerrillas and groups involved in conflicts. Europe: nine states and twenty-between militia fighters. Seven states in the Middle East. Americas: three states and eleven between drug cartels, guerrillas and separatists.
not forget that either. That history is not inclined to forgive those who do not remember.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Best Bra At Victoria's Secret For Small Boobs
Other arms reach out to me Other eyes smile tenderly
Still in peaceful dreams I see
the road leads back to you
Friday, January 14, 2011
How Can I Make My Dune Buggy Go Faster
1 - The strategy of distraction
Keep the public's attention diverted from the real social problems, issues to be imprisoned without any real importance. Keep the public busy, Busy, busy, no time to think, back to the farm like other animals ...
2 - create problems and then offer solutions
Create an economic crisis to accept as a necessary evil, the relegation of social rights and the dismantling of public services.
3 - The strategy of gradualism
To accept an unacceptable degree, just apply it gradually, a dropper, for consecutive years ... would cause a revolution if they had been applied only once.
4 - The strategy of differ
Another way to accept an unpopular decision is to present it as "painful and necessary."
5 - Consult the public as children
If someone is addressing a person as if he were 12 years or less, then, depending on suggestibility, you will tend, with some probability, to a response or reaction, even without a critical sense as that of a person 12 years or less.
6 - Use more of the emotional reflection
Exploiting the emotion is a technique Classic cause a short circuit on a rational analysis and, finally, the critical sense of the individual. In addition, the use of emotional register opens the gateway to the unconscious to implant or inject ideas, desires, fears and fears, compulsions, or induce behavior.
7 - Keep the public in ignorance and mediocrity
ensure that the public is incapable of understanding the technologies and methods for its control and its slavery. "The quality of education given to the lower classes must be the poor and mediocre as possible so that the distance plans that ignorance among the lower classes and upper classes is and remains impossible to fill the lower classes. "
8 - Encourage the public to be complacent with mediocrity
push the public to believe that it is fashionable to be stupid, vulgar and ignorant ...
9 - Enhancing the self-guilt
Pretend individual that he is only guilty of his misfortune, because of its inadequate intelligence, his ability or his efforts. So instead of rebelling against the economic system, es'incolpa devalues \u200b\u200bthe individual self, which in turn creates a state of depression, one of whose effects is the inhibition of its action ...
10- know people better than they themselves know
Thanks to biology, neurobiology, and applied psychology, the "system" has enjoyed an advanced understanding of the human being is in its physical and psychological. The system was able to better understand the common person than he is known. This means that, in most cases, the system exerts greater control and a great power over individuals, the more of what the same individual exercises over himself.
"Globalization is not a natural phenomenon but a political phenomenon designed to achieve specific objectives. ( Two hours of lucidity - Noam Chomsky )
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Muvis Gratis En Espanol

Sometimes prejudices do damage even in small things: love in a few reptiles. This is commonly called crotalide lashes viper is poisonous and, of course. Despite this, I like very much. They are animals, poison in hand, gentle and sweet. I assured them I would like serpents embrace.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Homemade Surround Sound

I have not breath to explain why, but I try to summarize below some of the why ....
because he is fighting for us all!
because he is defending democracy in this country! because after twenty years that have battered the Maronites writing and repeating as I could that the workers were gone, the residual metal workers were now want to convince me that Fiat is in crisis because there is Fiom and the workers are lazy and work a little!
Why not believe that to raise the competitiveness of companies and provide work for unemployed young people and precarious it should start from the attack the rights of those who work in assembly line for 1200 eur per month ... or !
because they told me that to give jobs to young people NEEDED TO BE FLEXIBLE AND NEEDED BEFORE THE LAW TREU , then Biagi law, THEN I DO NOT KNOW HOW MANY have atypical, precarious HOSE AND NOW TELL ME THAT THE SAME COMPANY Occor ACCEPT A BLACKMAIL!
Because my father first and then my dignity I was taught that you should not accept the blackmail that they should be denounced and rejected ALWAYS! Because the issue of
rights can not be worth more at the gates of Fiat !
Why is not democratic in a referendum if they win the must ensure that they accept those who do not agree and if they win the no " I leave in canada !
Why a trade union can not sign an agreement, the assembly line, the workers have to only 10 minutes of rest, and to do pee and eat have to wait 8 hours!
Why does not exist in a democracy do not sign an agreement that if I can not take industrial action within the factory!
Because I broke the balls and one thought this Capitalism modern and innovative "that makes us go back to laws of 1923 and I also take the piss out of me that is something new and modern!
Woitila Why even the Pope! (Laborem EXCERSENS and Ratzinger (CARITAS TRUTH IN ) are against this blackmail shit!