150 years and not have to prove it
Italy - Italy and not only the building and the power - is a ridiculous and left the country: its potent are forms of comedy, slightly stained with blood "contamination" between Molière and the Grand Guignol. But the Italian citizens are no different. I saw them, I saw a crowd in August. They were the image of insolent more hectic. Posed such a commitment to fun at all costs, which seemed in a state of "rapture" It was hard not to consider them worthless or otherwise criminally irresponsible. Pier Paolo Pasolini
Letters Lutheran 1966
Italy - outside of course the traditional Communist - As a whole is now a depoliticized country, a dead body whose reflexes are not that mechanical. Italy is experiencing that is not merely a process of adaptation to their degradation. [...] All have adapted or through not wanting to notice anything or play down through the more inert.
Pier Paolo Pasolini: abjuration (Trilogy of Life) June 15, 1975
Italy wishes and congratulations
're just like when you were 105 years and when you have completed 114.
What's your secret?
Scherzo .... but I am laughing and loving. .. Like the bitterness that I feel in see this beautiful country reduced to this sorry state. Italy
Awake and arise and once and for all!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Stretching The Labia Before And After
One of my pupil gave me a sheet, on March 3 last year. It 'a poem written in a clear Italian, whereas it is not native speakers.
reprint it: read it again now makes me shudder.
When the fire burns, the sea is calm.
When the earth trembles the heart is united.
When we are friends I now ask you where you are.
When the fire is out, the sea is rough and when there is an earthquake
heart is broken.
When this happens, my best friend is dragged away.
When the sky is clear the wind is mild,
when nature is alive, gold shines in the bottom of the mine.
When the sky is dark, is not the wind. It 's a storm.
When Nature is dead gold no longer shines. When
friendship touches my best friend, is dragged away.
One of my pupil gave me a sheet, on March 3 last year. It 'a poem written in a clear Italian, whereas it is not native speakers.
reprint it: read it again now makes me shudder.
When the fire burns, the sea is calm.
When the earth trembles the heart is united.
When we are friends I now ask you where you are.
When the fire is out, the sea is rough and when there is an earthquake
heart is broken.
When this happens, my best friend is dragged away.
When the sky is clear the wind is mild,
when nature is alive, gold shines in the bottom of the mine.
When the sky is dark, is not the wind. It 's a storm.
When Nature is dead gold no longer shines. When
friendship touches my best friend, is dragged away.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Orchid Wedding Cakes 2010
There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
Smooth The Divine Comedy
Sparkling ; Dum Dum Girls
Ferrarelle The Smiths
Smooth The Divine Comedy
Sparkling ; Dum Dum Girls
Ferrarelle The Smiths
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Cheap White Sorority Initiation Dress
This new song of the Carnival Erland and maybe end up in the pot 5 at the time as we ; ended Trouble in Mind in Teapot 2
Erland & The Carnival - Map of an Englishman from erlandandthecarnival on Vimeo .
This new song of the Carnival Erland and maybe end up in the pot 5 at the time as we ; ended Trouble in Mind in Teapot 2
Erland & The Carnival - Map of an Englishman from erlandandthecarnival on Vimeo .
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Corningware Temperature
Brian Ferry - Song to the Siren

Brian Ferry - Song to the Siren
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
How To Make Homemade Ramen Soup
Take it or leave
things I like to say with my words. I rarely use those of others, are song lyrics, poems, quotes or various writings. I prefer to say evil, to be misunderstood, mistakes, but mistakes of mine. I'm so, and I would change. So I say, things, and who will understand, understand. Or who wants to understand what I blend for the head has an easy life. To say.
So today I want to externalize a few things.
The first is that my stomach hurts every time I think to our country just seems stupid to go ahead with strokes of indignation, headlines and events with various colors when the handful of criminals who govern us cares' if * na in (a nod to the bon ton).
The second is that they are made strange, but they are such. Take it or leave it.
So today I want to externalize a few things.
The first is that my stomach hurts every time I think to our country just seems stupid to go ahead with strokes of indignation, headlines and events with various colors when the handful of criminals who govern us cares' if * na in (a nod to the bon ton).
The second is that they are made strange, but they are such. Take it or leave it.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
What Does A Brazilian Shave Look Like
The good aunt
Last night I sat on the arm of my brother's couch, staring into space, rocking the chair of the smallest of the family. Babysitting
on the dock of the bay.
Last night I sat on the arm of my brother's couch, staring into space, rocking the chair of the smallest of the family. Babysitting
on the dock of the bay.
Encouragement In French
early morning walk
[...] is so nice to leave in the morning, your senses rejuvenated, healthy soul purified from the bathroom and the long sip of oblivion that is night. With bold confidence look to the day waiting for you, but pleasantly delay to start, a gentleman of extraordinary range, not assimilated and do not bother, between dream and day, that was your prize for an 'honest conduct. L 'illusion of a stable life, simple, and contemplative collection, the illusion of belonging in all of yourself, makes you happy, that man has a tendency to consider his condition at the time, be it peaceful or intricate, quiet or passionate, as the real one, and enduring feature of his existence, and especially to raise immediately, in his imagination, every happy ex tempore a beautiful setting and inviolable custom, but in reality is doomed to improvise and live, from the moral point of view, on the day. And so now, inhaling the morning air, freedom and believe in your virtue, you should know where, and at the bottom also know that the world stands ready to avviluppartici its networks, and probably tomorrow you'll be back in bed until nine o'clock, because you have found the way home to the two, hot, dazed by passionate discussions ... And so be it. Today you are the man of thrift and good morning [...]
Thomas Mann-Dog and Master
[ ...] you're also the man who after this early morning walk, take the car, goes to the gas station and rants reading the price of gasoline: 1.507 € [...]
Reant - Reflections
[...] is so nice to leave in the morning, your senses rejuvenated, healthy soul purified from the bathroom and the long sip of oblivion that is night. With bold confidence look to the day waiting for you, but pleasantly delay to start, a gentleman of extraordinary range, not assimilated and do not bother, between dream and day, that was your prize for an 'honest conduct. L 'illusion of a stable life, simple, and contemplative collection, the illusion of belonging in all of yourself, makes you happy, that man has a tendency to consider his condition at the time, be it peaceful or intricate, quiet or passionate, as the real one, and enduring feature of his existence, and especially to raise immediately, in his imagination, every happy ex tempore a beautiful setting and inviolable custom, but in reality is doomed to improvise and live, from the moral point of view, on the day. And so now, inhaling the morning air, freedom and believe in your virtue, you should know where, and at the bottom also know that the world stands ready to avviluppartici its networks, and probably tomorrow you'll be back in bed until nine o'clock, because you have found the way home to the two, hot, dazed by passionate discussions ... And so be it. Today you are the man of thrift and good morning [...]
Thomas Mann-Dog and Master
[ ...] you're also the man who after this early morning walk, take the car, goes to the gas station and rants reading the price of gasoline: 1.507 € [...]
Reant - Reflections
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Profession Hair Color Sold On Line
The people who make you a question and answer as you begin to go away
irritate me.
irritate me.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
Free Littlest Pet Shop Free Clip Art
Storm coming
Now. . .
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Ovi Mail: Making easy email access
Now. . .
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Ovi Mail: Making easy email access
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Can Lemon Juice Really Dissolve Kidney Stones
The album "The King is Dead" by Decemberist, in three words: vintage, simple and straightforward. Belle
all tracks on all Down by the Water, but ...
" This Is Why We Fight" ...
goes to the heart ..
... At first listen.
ideal day for a boring, gray, very cold and drizzly.
A shitty day just like today ..
... good Sunday ....
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Feeling Weak Headache
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Adams County Ohio Hunting Leases
Two steps back
It goes well as we can. Sometimes it is just right - I try not to be ungrateful - and make progress. I like to move ahead, to say. But I had to do it two steps back. Two, that was a little. The setbacks are very happy for survival. When the six
and misunderstood, but when you make mistakes, and mistakes when you do the same, when you look too deep, when you hear before they hear the other, when you read what no one has yet written. Two large steps backward. Complains of an acute spasm. But it passes. Just find the calm, quiet as you breath, you feel is the right thing. Why to walk together , any way you want to go, it takes two. But really there.
and misunderstood, but when you make mistakes, and mistakes when you do the same, when you look too deep, when you hear before they hear the other, when you read what no one has yet written. Two large steps backward. Complains of an acute spasm. But it passes. Just find the calm, quiet as you breath, you feel is the right thing. Why to walk together , any way you want to go, it takes two. But really there.
Table In Everyone Loves Raymond
February 21: Spring sea
Today is spring in the sea.
Vipers and I said to have burst out laughing coarsely
all ...
Today is spring in the sea.
Vipers and I said to have burst out laughing coarsely
all ...
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Fruit For Man To Masterbate
Azz .. that App.
A Shazam you make them listen to a song for 10 seconds and tells you the title, singer, album information, videos, if you want to buy the track and news of a possible tour.
Yeah this is nice but even better and that we catch all the time.
About ...
... came out the new Radiohead album Shazam and once again put to the test, there was no denial.
Simply fantastic.
A Shazam you make them listen to a song for 10 seconds and tells you the title, singer, album information, videos, if you want to buy the track and news of a possible tour.
Yeah this is nice but even better and that we catch all the time.
About ...
... came out the new Radiohead album Shazam and once again put to the test, there was no denial.
Simply fantastic.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Does Lipoma Look Like
uichende bon!
:) ----------------------------------------------
Ovi Mail: Making easy email access
uichende bon!
:) ----------------------------------------------
Ovi Mail: Making easy email access
Friday, February 18, 2011
What Stores Offer Lay Away
yawn .... I do not go .. go .. go ... Web 2.0 Still
I was dozing on the couch at home when I said,
almost ... almost going to see me the sunset .. yawn .... I go ... yawn ... I'm not going ... ..
I went
Dedicated to all of you
Why Do Guys Let Their Pinky Nails Grow?
NORTH MILLION € "OUR" (FAS funds for the restoration of our lands hydro) in the south TOXIC WASTE CASE AND UNFAIR! The decree milleproroghe have "hijacked" by other million euro funds Fas (for the improvement of our geological area) for the North of the Northern League and the milk quota.
What we do MPs elected in the South in the Senate and Chamber of Deputies??
WHEN POLITICAL business interests and forge a pact against you, your land, your future, your dignity, your soul and then .. you only have one way if you do not want to suffer in silence ...... REBEL .. e. ..
rebel is' OK !
if more Brigante - Brigante Die
If you want to hear a beautiful song about the robbers go to You tube and clik the title shown above.

What we do MPs elected in the South in the Senate and Chamber of Deputies??
WHEN POLITICAL business interests and forge a pact against you, your land, your future, your dignity, your soul and then .. you only have one way if you do not want to suffer in silence ...... REBEL .. e. ..
rebel is' OK !
if more Brigante - Brigante Die
If you want to hear a beautiful song about the robbers go to You tube and clik the title shown above.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Alexis Texas Two Guys
Still Vernacoliere
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Ovi Mail: Making easy email access
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Ovi Mail: Making easy email access
Venta Britax Britax Venta Anual 2010 Otoño?
This morning I filled out the registration form for school year 2011-2012 of my son.
reached the point where you have to specify which country you were born, I was about to write: Troiopoli ... of course I did. Italy
I wrote and I wanted to add, humiliated and ravaged by inept politicians and opportunistic
and I did not write that either. In the end I wrote
Italy ... just hoping that this country becomes normal (not saying go back because maybe it was never even get up ........... perhaps the wrong ...) and feel proud for its name.
All the streets Feb. 13 .... physically or virtually, the important and there.
This morning I filled out the registration form for school year 2011-2012 of my son.
reached the point where you have to specify which country you were born, I was about to write: Troiopoli ... of course I did. Italy
I wrote and I wanted to add, humiliated and ravaged by inept politicians and opportunistic
and I did not write that either. In the end I wrote
Italy ... just hoping that this country becomes normal (not saying go back because maybe it was never even get up ........... perhaps the wrong ...) and feel proud for its name.
All the streets Feb. 13 .... physically or virtually, the important and there.
Friday, February 11, 2011
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