publish the following article, published today in La Repubblica Naples, on the question of the waste in Naples ...
(from Naples Republic - December 5, 2010)
of Luca Stamati
L 'waste crisis that again after two years, now there is a precise timing, it was dramatic re-mocking and exposing the false miracle announced live on television by Berlusconi in 2008, seems to awaken consciences in Neapolitan society and begin to shake the torpor of mind even the political class.
After 16 years of political choices and institutional functional business area to the powerful lobby of incineration (of which the last decree, the dl 196, November 26, 2010, can still direct emanation) and a landfill, after having squandered 3000000000 of € 200 million and they have produced 7 million ecoballe who knows when we can dispose of, an incinerator to Acerra that works in fits and starts and immense damage to the image of Naples and the Neapolitans, finally something is moving in the class policy. You
The first important result of stubbornness, determination, study and passion of so many committees, associations and individuals that forward-looking in solitude, often mocked and painted as a minority and not to pitch coins modernity, have never ceased to denounce the risks and uselessness of a plan for collection and disposal of waste, born in 1994 and pursued foolishly from commissioners and center-right and center-left governments in these 16 years have alternated in power, useless and harmful, and to propose an alternative plan and modern virtuoso.
read today that Umberto Ranieri questions the real need for a new incinerator in Naples, after Nicola Oddati already at the time of his descent into the field had said publicly the contrary, that even Andrea Cozzolino on these pages, you say totally opposed to their construction bodes well.
If we consider that all three candidates in the primaries of the Democratic Party and that the last two were close associates for years Antonio Bassolino , let us not forget that was one of the protagonists of the waste cycle based mainly on ' incineration, and placed it in self-criticism and sharp break with the choices we have supported in the past as well, it means that something really moves. If the three main party candidates in primary the coalition that governs the city in a decade accept the challenge of discontinuity effective because it is based on a concrete and tangible as the choice of waste disposal, and maybe just maybe in Naples politics can finally leave the theater fake between self bassoliniani and antibassoliniani .
A theater but always in the line of continuity with the policies that govern the financial and, to quote an old saying always effective, changing the musicians but the music was always the same and that has characterized the last fifteen years of political life bell.
Something is happening even if the center of Naples County Council will Following the document, approved by the council committee responsible at the instigation of John Bellerè (with the abstention of the PD!), that commits the Sap-Na and President Cesaro enable the implementation of advanced technology systems for the recovery of matter, including a treatment plant mechanical hand. " Pending
President Cesaro and the Provincial Council are consequent demand, meanwhile, the three candidates in the primaries and our party to appeal to mayor of Naples that are advocates for a moratorium sull'inceneritore East of Naples . To start
a discussion and comparison on the real needs in the city, from residents in the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe facility that, among other things, houses in the vicinity of the Sea Hospital .
needed assize towns that put the center of the debate regarding the feasibility and possibility even here in Naples a virtuous cycle of waste based on reduction, recycling, recovery and reuse of waste through recycling push treatment plants of wet (composting), separation plant and final recovery of the dry fraction is not differentiated (Vedelago model). An industry
latter more efficient, more modern, more sustainable and certainly cheaper than a new incinerator in East Naples , unnecessary and even useless from a business point of view.
And in the meantime the emergency of tonnes of rubbish scattered on the streets asking the President of the Region Caldoro , the only jurisdiction to intervene by law, to issue an order immediately identifying interim storage facilities and landfills existing within the region where you can waste spilled in excess. A choice that the latter, among other things, would also make more credible the request of solidarity given to other regions.
The author is coordinator of provincial ' Marino area of \u200b\u200bPd
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