E 'release yesterday on the Corriere della Sera a reflection of Paul Macry over waste in Naples. A reflection that we do not share and that the city does not help to solve the Case Study and Neapolitans.
I regret having to criticize harshly reflection riddled with cliches and devoid of serious analysis of a columnist whom I know are intelligent and sharp. I am sorry because if you leave someone like Paul Macry obscure ideology (For I knew I can not think that it is influenced by the properties of the newspaper in which he writes) by addressing a problem that cyclically "rape" our city then indeed we are doomed to impotence and resignation. 15 years of extraordinary commissioner, two years in a super extraordinary exception to all laws and with absolute power of the government and its representative (Bertolaso) with miracle built on live television have failed to solve the problem? Possible that at the end views, a fine historian does not pass even the vestibule of the brain that perhaps it comes to emergencies to create art? That perhaps the fault lies in the handle as the saying goes? That perhaps it is fueled not only by the Camorra also powerful economic and political interests that, incidentally, are also behind the ownership of newspapers, of which you write? The oedine pubblòico and therefore whether it is for organized crime to keep law enforcement and civil society, it is for the media to give voice to that part of civil society that is not passive and instead over the years has tried to respond and be heard sislenzio deafening in the local media. Which give space to it only when there are clashes and they devote editorial products "reformist". I would suggest to Professor Macry to do a little historical research and see if you can not find one of these fine reformers, authors of books momentous which has ever questioned the political-economic and institutional choices taken in this 16 years on the collection and disposal in Campania. Following the
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