The local and national media seem unable to understand what is really going on and therefore can not explain it to citizens of Naples and Italian.
test, with the following note, to give a hand to understand and explain
The Head of Civil Protection, Bertolaso, who spoke Thursday, September 23 transmission Radio Anch'io said''We had five landfill where there was space for several million cubic meters of garbage, started the collection in a serious and realistic and open the Acerra plant, which by all accounts is the best there is in Italy: it is not clear because in Naples today is the garbage in the streets''
exceptional powers which has benefited Bertolaso \u200b\u200b for over a year and a half, from DL May 23, 2008, No 90 converted by Law No 123/08 until the declaration of the cessation of the state of emergency in the area of \u200b\u200bwaste in the Campania Region DL 195, December 30, 2009 ratified by Law No 26/10 , and his statements, as always, cutting until arrogance require a careful verification of its claims.
First the DL 195/2009 prepares " all activities preparatory to moving to an ordinary waste management in the region. At the end of closing down a unit Extract and an operating unit that will be coordinated by the Commander of the Logistic Command South and will be allocated at the current site of the same command in Naples .
The decree fixing the date of their termination to January 31, 2011, and which may be extended for not more than six months, by decree of President of the Council of Ministers .
The 'management militarized " of existing sites is therefore survived (to continue click on "read more") direct responsibility of the Secretary and will remain until February 2011 (extendable).
The current status of the landfill appears this ( Sole 24 ore, 14 / 9)
Savignano (av)
capacity of 800,000 tn
S. Arcangelo Trimonte (bn)
capacity of 800,000 tn
San Tammaro (ce)
capacity 1,700,000 tn
Chiaiano (Napoli)
capacity 700,000 tn
Terzigno (Napoli
capacity 800,000 tn
Thus, 5 landfills Bertolaso \u200b\u200bprovide few months of battery life (especially if Acerra working narrow gauge). This scales a lot the first statement:''We had five landfill where there was space for several million cubic meters of garbage .
I " several million cubic meters " it has largely saturated him and today the situation returns to "hot."
Everything today seems to be about the story quarry in Terzigno Vitiello, and questionable choice discussed with the Secretary that "force" the Province to accept the site in defiance to the 'attention' U European Union, being in the National Park etc. The second point
" started the collection in a serious and realistic " almost does not deserve to be commented. The same
Bertolaso, the hearing at the House of July 27, 2009 says "... We also opened two composting sites, ..., for a total of 16,000 tons of wet fraction, and would therefore always up to ridiculous levels compared needs, but we managed to open two .... "He wrote
Adriana Thumb on Manifesto of May 5:
... landfill Chiaiano is already half full el'inceneritore Acerra, ineffable duo inaugurated President of the Board & the man of civil defense, still does not work, .... Bertolaso \u200b\u200bsaid, however, in December last won the battle of Campania and took away the tents, leaving more than 20 million of debt and the provinces with the water in the throat. As for the remediation, then, is the night. ... Moreover, the province - which the government entrusted by decree the waste cycle - can be found with empty boxes and no idea how to pick up the disposal waste, but in Rome, at Palazzo Palazzo Matteotti Saint Lucia and executive sit on the right and then you can not cry out to the disaster, better to ask politely to the president Caldoro to recover the problem by using a gentle formula as "re-functioning of the installations' which reflected by the fact that the special commissioner has not set up any integrated cycle of waste. This is the miracle bell garbage, problem solved in time to win the right during the campaign, returned to the surface in the polls closed ... "
The third point, namely
" we opened the Acerra plant, which by all accounts is the best there is in Italy "report that at least an exception among the "all" there.
On the morning of September 17, Daniela De Crescenzo wrote:
"Forni haywire: the Acerra incinerator will continue to operate at full capacity in March when it will be probably completed maintenance on all three lines ... the problems would begin today . Already in June there was a failure at the pumps .. Cooling water .... The grounds of failure is open debate: some people think of design errors and those who assumed that the fuel used (waste produced by STIR) has characteristics different from those provided .. (CDR) .. In any case, the damage would exceed the initial estimates € 10 million ... "The
Region is, meanwhile, returned in the fullness of his powers and legislative programmers (among other things have gone more than four months after fully operational the new council and the new Council). The new commissioner Romano
words to a good start:
" differentiated at 50% or I'm leaving" ( 24 hours of the Sun 15 / 9), announcing in Brussels that there will be the new site Park of Vesuvius in but already on The Morning of 19 / 9 says:
"Inevitable open new sversatoi; the Province descends the project .
And again.
The average daily waste delivered is 4,939 ton / day with an average of just over 20% of waste. If the objective of 50% be reached (in three years to take account of 36 months minimum needed to build an incinerator) would need to send for incineration about 1.2 million tons / year of waste while the facilities provided (700,000 Acerra, Naples and Salerno 400,000 300,000 ) excess of about 200,000 tons / year the objectives of the plan.
Bertolaso \u200b\u200b Meanwhile, the Morning of 21 / 9 thunders:
" disappointed by the delays unacceptable, the order should be respected .
do not nearly the idea that the decree - with its timing and the critical financial unfeasible introduced - has created the conditions for a further crisis. To tell you now, are the directors of the political part of government to which it belongs.
Regarding the integrated cycle of waste, the functions and duties of service programming to integrated waste management, " be organized also in the context of provincial and territorial areas for different segments of the cycle of waste management, are attributed to the Presidents of the Provinces of Campania ;
Well, The Morning on September 4 reads:
" The yield of the provinces .. request to the government, is an extension .. " The commissioner
Caliendo of the provincial government (center right) of Naples is explicit:
".. lack the facilities and money to pay workers the river ... do not take miracles "
Here, perhaps, lies one of the keys to this current" emergency ". The question
"money." The Law of 26 is draconian: the costs of the entire management cycle, the responsibility of territorial authorities, are full financial coverage imposition of service charges paid by users. To cope with its financial cost, the provincial company referred to the law of the Campania region March 28, 2007, No 4, acting on the territory even as individual tax collectors for disposal of municipal solid waste (TARSU) and the Integrated Tariff Environment (TIA). This
not want to consider debt management that commissarial (but the commissioners were of the government ...) left on the shoulders of citizens from Campania. He's right
Bertolaso \u200b\u200b " waste, here's someone cheating " (Corriere midday on 24 September). Reported by The Morning
September 20, to exemplify, the list of unfulfilled commitments by the Berlusconi government .
A. Pappalardo writes:
" Waste, the mockery of compensation. Stop at 300 million. Never got the money in 37 municipalities. In July 2008 .. .. were € 526 million and would be used ... to offset the hardships of those governments that hosted systems for landfills and waste cycle. Then they became 288 (144 out of the region and 144 from government funds through FAS). But it is not got a single euro. Not to mention the reclamation ".
're right Bertolaso \u200b\u200b" waste somebody cheats "
It 's the Government ! ..