Many of our readers know that (also on Face book ) we have created a new association called "Wind Marino."
Accessions in little time they have exceeded 500 .. we get to share 1000 and try to move from the virtual to the translation organizational practice (almost always difficult and arduous task-but we'll see) to help launch a real political movement that really try to change our beautiful and troubled city. Many have asked us if
ilpopolo Neapolitan apathetic (see the large number of abstentions and cards canceled) because he always has been, or because he is resigned and disillusioned.
Perhaps most of the people (not only the Neapolitan) also becomes indifferent to politics because it has more memory and then .... we remembered a wonderful children's story of Gianni Rodari that follows. The funeral of the fox
Once the hens found the fox in the middle of the path. Her eyes were closed, the queue was not moving. - She's dead, is dead - cried the hens. - Let the funeral.
fact sounded the death knell, dressed in black, and the cock went to dig the hole in the bottom of the lawn. It was a beautiful funeral and chickens brought flowers. When they got close to the fox hole ....( click to continue ("read more") jumped out of the box and ate all the chickens.
The news flew in chicken coop. I even spoke to the radio, but the Fox does not care. He let go a bit 'of time, changed the country, lies in the middle of the path and closed his eyes.
were chickens in that country (unfortunately for they were the target of 70 percent of chickens that never read the newspapers ...) and just cried, too:
- She's dead, is dead! Let's do the funeral.
rang the bell, they dressed in black, and the cock went to dig the grave in the middle of the corn.
It was a beautiful funeral and sang chicks that he felt in France.
As they approached the hole, the fox jumped out from the box and ate the whole procession.
The news flew in chicken coop and had shed many tears. It also spoke to the television (with special "door to door " with Crepet, the Pivetti and Parietti , and " BallarĂ² " with D'Alema and Veltroni , a comedian, a brother and a transsexual ... and a transmission Neapolitan Bassolino , De Luca Amendola and ), but the fox did not took fear at all. She knew that the chickens have little memory and field life by the dead.
And who will like to say that those hens did not understand the story.
Of course this is only an early reflection ... I will return in a few days in a more thorough and accurate information on political issues raised by these election results.
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