We leave the besieged fort .. self-sufficient! Naples
report our interview with Norberto Gallo where we talk about the election results and the forthcoming municipal elections Naples. The case of the next Congress provincial Pd " excluding members of last year, members will vote two years ago. " Here's the link to the interview question .....
click (Here)
Friday, April 30, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
What Companies Donate Gift Cards?
Mravillosa creature, life does not make me fear, fly as usual without losing a sense of reality, but the soul goes, flies, color, red is love ... alone or in company, mine but the soul does not feel nostalgia for what was not, or how it was ... only welcomes and is surprised each looking at you everyday life is ... because every life is wonderful, even black slides and tortuous ...
11:04:10 Ishtar
Wonderful creature, life does not frighten me, fly as usual without losing a sense of reality, but the soul goes, flies, color, Red falls in love ... alone or in company, my soul can not feel nostalgia for what was not, or how it was ... but rejoices and is surprised every daily miracle that is life ... because every life is fabulous, though tortuous and slippery ...
11:04:10 Ishtar
April 25 GOOD AT ALL!
April 25 GOOD AT ALL!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Harold And Kumar Having Bottomless Party
Pd-provincial conference package and contropacco
We are ahead of the provincial congress of pd Naples, a major conference in the vicinity of the municipal elections for the new Mayor of Naples.
In this regard we report on for our interview published today on the carrier of the South.
Stamati: "Beware, we are preparing a package with the provincial congress'
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
of Simona Brandolini (courier noon)
" Alert comrades we are preparing a conference with package "
on Facebook Democrat Luca Stamati warns in view of the regional to be held tomorrow in the presence of Augusto Migliavacca . Among other things (for example, address the burning issues of defeat? ) will begin the process to celebrate (it was now) the provincial congress of the Democratic Party. By the summer of Naples and the province also have their own secretary.
But who elect?
"Here lies the deception," warns stamens. "According to a provision of the statute, may participate in the next provincial congress, voting, only the party members in the 2008-2009 period that will renew the card. Meanwhile the world has changed, but the Democratic Party not noticed it. "
So what's the problem: according Stamati disappointed if you would repent and decide now to join the party may do so, of course, will attend the conference, listen to the debate, saying even a hint of comfort, but can not vote its secretary.
Is that it?
"Yes, the Congress with the package. Not only is there an end to any new members, but also with respect to the people of the primaries. Voters in Amendola can not vote for the Secretary of Naples. The audience is the same as Nicolais, then an era geological Policy. The snakes and ladders. We lost the regional elections, some administrative, and instead of going forward, we go back. "
The rule mentioned in Luke Stamati was included in the national status in January after instances bell membership swelled. To avoid short, cheating.
"Of course - continues Stamati - the official reason is this. In fact, however, maintain the balance of the audience and then. It preserves the status quo, supports the current management team. Not only that. There are rumors that in the palaces as well as this parcel is also contropacco: it seems that the elders of the party are directed to go to Rome and Rome close to agreement on a new secretary. And here you go back even further back, to the PCI. "
The conclusion of stamens is this:
"If it is all true and it shows the total inadequacy of this regional group. How do you embed a party in the territory and close to the outside world and make it all a matter of running? ". According to the theorem
Stamatia It's another game inside, the usual showdown bassoliniani one hand, antibassoliniani other. And while running the first names. against Michele Caiazzo Massimiliano Manfredi or Mimmo Tuccillo.
Meanwhile, the regional secretary Enzo Amendola zeroing bodies should ensure the party leaders. Not so much because of the electoral earthquake, but rather to the fact that Marciano Antonio and Mario Casillo , both in the executive, entered into the regional council. And Emilio Montemarano has autosospeso

We are ahead of the provincial congress of pd Naples, a major conference in the vicinity of the municipal elections for the new Mayor of Naples.
In this regard we report on for our interview published today on the carrier of the South.
Stamati: "Beware, we are preparing a package with the provincial congress'
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
of Simona Brandolini (courier noon)
" Alert comrades we are preparing a conference with package "
on Facebook Democrat Luca Stamati warns in view of the regional to be held tomorrow in the presence of Augusto Migliavacca . Among other things (for example, address the burning issues of defeat? ) will begin the process to celebrate (it was now) the provincial congress of the Democratic Party. By the summer of Naples and the province also have their own secretary.
But who elect?
"Here lies the deception," warns stamens. "According to a provision of the statute, may participate in the next provincial congress, voting, only the party members in the 2008-2009 period that will renew the card. Meanwhile the world has changed, but the Democratic Party not noticed it. "
So what's the problem: according Stamati disappointed if you would repent and decide now to join the party may do so, of course, will attend the conference, listen to the debate, saying even a hint of comfort, but can not vote its secretary.
Is that it?
"Yes, the Congress with the package. Not only is there an end to any new members, but also with respect to the people of the primaries. Voters in Amendola can not vote for the Secretary of Naples. The audience is the same as Nicolais, then an era geological Policy. The snakes and ladders. We lost the regional elections, some administrative, and instead of going forward, we go back. "
The rule mentioned in Luke Stamati was included in the national status in January after instances bell membership swelled. To avoid short, cheating.
"Of course - continues Stamati - the official reason is this. In fact, however, maintain the balance of the audience and then. It preserves the status quo, supports the current management team. Not only that. There are rumors that in the palaces as well as this parcel is also contropacco: it seems that the elders of the party are directed to go to Rome and Rome close to agreement on a new secretary. And here you go back even further back, to the PCI. "
The conclusion of stamens is this:
"If it is all true and it shows the total inadequacy of this regional group. How do you embed a party in the territory and close to the outside world and make it all a matter of running? ". According to the theorem
Stamatia It's another game inside, the usual showdown bassoliniani one hand, antibassoliniani other. And while running the first names. against Michele Caiazzo Massimiliano Manfredi or Mimmo Tuccillo.
Meanwhile, the regional secretary Enzo Amendola zeroing bodies should ensure the party leaders. Not so much because of the electoral earthquake, but rather to the fact that Marciano Antonio and Mario Casillo , both in the executive, entered into the regional council. And Emilio Montemarano has autosospeso
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Asin Woman Molested On Train
Hasta siempre!
bounce pieces of life, such as windings of a film a film that does not appear, it could be your life, you say, but no, look ... Unfortunately it is not real is real in the surreal ... sometimes you escape, you want to avoid reliving see certain situations, so strange, so drastic, so impossible to happen and are more common and frequent than you imagine ... and then you find them ... to follow the movie, whereas before that limit you to look at a single moment, you have swallowed, kidnapped, you have made your character ... and although there banquets every day ... trying to remove as much as possible, to breathe well ... not that human nature ... at least not always, at least not sure ... at least with you ... you isolate yourself, you feel lonely, to be alone in the crowd, and you "rip" a little space all to yourself, where "garments" weights ... but live as if nothing was happening, live, simply accepting that this is your life .. . .... just with a smile, with dignity, with the power of love ... of those who do not bow our heads held high ... all'arrendevolezza not stop fighting, to walk to live ... .. . because every world, even my fabulous ... as is that of Amelia ...
bounce pieces of life, such as windings of a film a film that does not appear, it could be your life, you say, but no, look ... Unfortunately it is not real is real in the surreal ... sometimes you escape, you want to avoid reliving see certain situations, so strange, so drastic, so impossible to happen and are more common and frequent than you imagine ... and then you find them ... to follow the movie, whereas before that limit you to look at a single moment, you have swallowed, kidnapped, you have made your character ... and although there banquets every day ... trying to remove as much as possible, to breathe well ... not that human nature ... at least not always, at least not sure ... at least with you ... you isolate yourself, you feel lonely, to be alone in the crowd, and you "rip" a little space all to yourself, where "garments" weights ... but live as if nothing was happening, live, simply accepting that this is your life .. . .... just with a smile, with dignity, with the power of love ... of those who do not bow our heads held high ... all'arrendevolezza not stop fighting, to walk to live ... .. . because every world, even my fabulous ... as is that of Amelia ...
ttp: / / www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsN7NkKKFUE&feature=related
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
How To Control A Tech Deck
me in the wind, mobile, unpredictable, the stability of the earth , fertile, this .... solid as a recommen ... sometimes slip Trai rivers of fantasy, drop me turned to stone and flows along the paths of nature, the colors of music, fragrant flower petals, facing the sun like a sunflower ...
Ishtar 28.03.10
Inside my wind power, mobile, unpredictable, the stability of the land, fertile, this ... steady as a rock ... sometimes slip between rivers of fantasy, I become a drop in stone and flowed sieguendo nature trails, the colors of music, scented flower petals, lying to the sun like a sunflower
28/03/1910 ishtar
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Where Can I Get Free Bait Bus
Regional elections and ... The funeral of the fox
Many of our readers know that (also on Face book ) we have created a new association called "Wind Marino."
Accessions in little time they have exceeded 500 .. we get to share 1000 and try to move from the virtual to the translation organizational practice (almost always difficult and arduous task-but we'll see) to help launch a real political movement that really try to change our beautiful and troubled city. Many have asked us if
ilpopolo Neapolitan apathetic (see the large number of abstentions and cards canceled) because he always has been, or because he is resigned and disillusioned.
Perhaps most of the people (not only the Neapolitan) also becomes indifferent to politics because it has more memory and then .... we remembered a wonderful children's story of Gianni Rodari that follows. The funeral of the fox
Once the hens found the fox in the middle of the path. Her eyes were closed, the queue was not moving. - She's dead, is dead - cried the hens. - Let the funeral.
fact sounded the death knell, dressed in black, and the cock went to dig the hole in the bottom of the lawn. It was a beautiful funeral and chickens brought flowers. When they got close to the fox hole ....( click to continue ("read more") jumped out of the box and ate all the chickens.
The news flew in chicken coop. I even spoke to the radio, but the Fox does not care. He let go a bit 'of time, changed the country, lies in the middle of the path and closed his eyes.
were chickens in that country (unfortunately for they were the target of 70 percent of chickens that never read the newspapers ...) and just cried, too:
- She's dead, is dead! Let's do the funeral.
rang the bell, they dressed in black, and the cock went to dig the grave in the middle of the corn.
It was a beautiful funeral and sang chicks that he felt in France.
As they approached the hole, the fox jumped out from the box and ate the whole procession.
The news flew in chicken coop and had shed many tears. It also spoke to the television (with special "door to door " with Crepet, the Pivetti and Parietti , and " Ballarò " with D'Alema and Veltroni , a comedian, a brother and a transsexual ... and a transmission Neapolitan Bassolino , De Luca Amendola and ), but the fox did not took fear at all. She knew that the chickens have little memory and field life by the dead.
And who will like to say that those hens did not understand the story.
Of course this is only an early reflection ... I will return in a few days in a more thorough and accurate information on political issues raised by these election results.

Many of our readers know that (also on Face book ) we have created a new association called "Wind Marino."
Accessions in little time they have exceeded 500 .. we get to share 1000 and try to move from the virtual to the translation organizational practice (almost always difficult and arduous task-but we'll see) to help launch a real political movement that really try to change our beautiful and troubled city. Many have asked us if
ilpopolo Neapolitan apathetic (see the large number of abstentions and cards canceled) because he always has been, or because he is resigned and disillusioned.
Perhaps most of the people (not only the Neapolitan) also becomes indifferent to politics because it has more memory and then .... we remembered a wonderful children's story of Gianni Rodari that follows. The funeral of the fox
Once the hens found the fox in the middle of the path. Her eyes were closed, the queue was not moving. - She's dead, is dead - cried the hens. - Let the funeral.
fact sounded the death knell, dressed in black, and the cock went to dig the hole in the bottom of the lawn. It was a beautiful funeral and chickens brought flowers. When they got close to the fox hole ....( click to continue ("read more") jumped out of the box and ate all the chickens.
The news flew in chicken coop. I even spoke to the radio, but the Fox does not care. He let go a bit 'of time, changed the country, lies in the middle of the path and closed his eyes.
were chickens in that country (unfortunately for they were the target of 70 percent of chickens that never read the newspapers ...) and just cried, too:
- She's dead, is dead! Let's do the funeral.
rang the bell, they dressed in black, and the cock went to dig the grave in the middle of the corn.
It was a beautiful funeral and sang chicks that he felt in France.
As they approached the hole, the fox jumped out from the box and ate the whole procession.
The news flew in chicken coop and had shed many tears. It also spoke to the television (with special "door to door " with Crepet, the Pivetti and Parietti , and " Ballarò " with D'Alema and Veltroni , a comedian, a brother and a transsexual ... and a transmission Neapolitan Bassolino , De Luca Amendola and ), but the fox did not took fear at all. She knew that the chickens have little memory and field life by the dead.
And who will like to say that those hens did not understand the story.
Of course this is only an early reflection ... I will return in a few days in a more thorough and accurate information on political issues raised by these election results.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Expected Value Calculator Statistics
due tango a have a buona per auguravi peaceful and happy Easter with your loved ones ... I sigh and dream of being able to dance well ... I abbbraccio a
A tierno tango deseando to a vosotros dos buena y feliz pascua linda familia ... yo juntos a vuesta suspiro y yo tambien sueño de Bayle to ... abrazo a
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