Today the front page of the Republic was very rich and editorial comments. All with attractive titles that stimulate our curiosity, there was plenty of choice words. After thinking a little bit that we have chosen to sign Adriano Sofri intrigued by the title a while back and also attracted by the history of the editorial policy.
We are immersed in reading with interest the editorial increasingly bitter and in the end we came through a sense of nostalgia that gradually turned into an absolute share to become profound satisfaction and, why hide it, thanks to the author.
It 'really amazing that in times of scandal, Sanremo, grandifratelli and gossip galore face head on the front page and in one of the largest Italian newspapers news and a comment like that ... maybe we would not want it to be one of our wishfull thinking, is a sign that something could change in this Italy apparently drugged and indifferent?
We therefore decided to give account to the readers of our blog and aquello of my face book page so that even a reader younger than me and maybe you can read it and be intrigued, why not, think a bit about.
Here then the article in question ...
SOFRI - the Repubblica-23/02/2010
while the orchestra crumpled sheet music and recited a slight delay in its Sixty-eight half - to do all necessary to play Hello hello love mentrei three God said to the world and I love Italy - the workers explained Terms of dignity with their own story and left measure the time that has passed.
One of them, before reaching the stage of the Ariston, had spent ten days on the roof of the factory: this too, which seems an innovation, dating back to '68 ....( click to continue "read more" ) only then to climb on rooftops and waving sheets were prisoners, to which each sortie was not precluded that the ascent to heaven. And this is also measure the distance. How do you beat the workers and the workers, when the working class is no more? Take the thousands of workers in call centers have become hostages of the match abruptly turning professional liquidators that detect companies with the intention of them fail: the whirl of acronyms passing Eutelia Agile Phonemedia Answers Pmc TPMC Libeccio Omega and so on. And money transferred in Luxembourg, Switzerland, Channel Islands, Romania ... Occupy the factories, are not paid for several months, are robbed of the contributions, if they have trouble from mortgage to pay sfamaree children go to school. Sometimes it just becomes a nameless mob, "In bank ask you: have you fired? And you say no. You are in layoffs? And still no answer. Then they ask you the latest payroll and you have to explain that you do not see for months. " They have blogs, put the video online. At the time when he would arrive in Sanremo, at most, with a procession at the time of the leaflets was less frequent than reports of the fight were interspersed with notations like this: "The Answers in Pistoia orders there were, beginning with including Enel and Tim. Lacked the money and good will of the masters. A novel
fight ended Saturday with a victory news so rare that it is worth removing it from your local pages. Were 560, 463 women - many came from south, many women with children - have occupied the factory for one hundred and one days, forty have left, stayed in 520, when a new property has guaranteed the job. A regime, who worked six hours a day - the majority - earning less than 800 €, who were full-time arrived to a thousand. "There are those who can not come because he has no money for petrol." They slept in sleeping bags, the time they made games, kept their children, or went out looking for solidarity.
Even among themselves. "He started a war among the poor, workers minaccee insults among us, and make them finally realize that we are all on the same Titanic." Omega was to bring things for long time to collect his speculations: the decision of a judge has thwarted. Pistoia, a city of artists and grumpy, has worked in a variety of ways. Shows of solidarity, supermarkets, and private donations, Arci and Coop, sports teams, including the association of the Alps. "One day - he tells a reporter Vera N., who spent three months in small call center with Andrew, a year - it's been a plumber.
I left a note, if I needed him he made me work for free. " A table was brought in daily 50 free meals to the occupants of the moment. The City has worked for the suspension of water, gas and electricity bills. Health Regional resolved all of the free medical care. Two local banks have anticipated salaries and granted interest-free loans. Epifani called it "the perfect fight." The CGIL is proud today to have 471 members holding: of the evening, I saw his secretary Gramola Alessio, who is a big man, crying as she told of having seen the women in tears of joy Answers.
and report the first purpose of Cosima for his son Stephen, age 6: "Can I buy books. I was ashamed, but he came back from school that they had put the fruit in your backpack and the bartender gave him a free breakfast. " The book Heart at the time of call-center. The bishop is called Mansueto Bianchi, in December is busy visiting the center, says: "The Church of Pistoia is watching with great sympathy and is believed to be honored by your side." Back to celebrate midnight mass, among hundreds of computer turned off and turned off the heat, cold and frost, as it should be in a crib.
says: "It touches the deepest chords of the heart to be here among you. Each of us must find within themselves the courage, against this pirate economy that grinds people as cannon fodder. " The agreement that ended the 101 days - one of the Hundred of Napoleon, who, moreover, ended up at Waterloo - provides for the lease, and within nine mesilapropriet à, Call & Call to Umberto Costamagna, dell'Assocontact president, and his associates Rats and Simone Domenico Nesci. They have demanded to be included by benefactors, "Enel is one of our major clients, and Answers is the second largest in Italy in terms of customer satisfaction Enel. I tried some news on account of this man break, with a degree in political science, after publishing, and I hope that scratched as preaching: that the use saying that in the call centers still passes for a makeshift, and that is in fact a professional quality, which is the customer relationship, and is the main resource. Ideas that some people who work there do not sound new, "I love to work in this place, put me in communication with people even if only by phone.
gave me confidence, are less timid now ...», told the Republic of Florence, Barbara, 32, came to power at the Answers in pursuit of a permanent contract. And Martha G., 41, Montecatini, "That was my desk, every day eight hours of hard work, but also great satisfaction. We started by calls to 119 for private pre-paid, one small thing ... We won the confidence of Tim and we have been entrusted with the customer service sector business. We have been able to grow well what we consider our own creation.
We are proud of. " Many ladies had no experience of union, but one of them warned at the meeting: "I do not know what it means going against a mother defending her child."
At the dinner which celebrated the agreement Costamagna has participated with the workers and middle city. The employees are all summaries from yesterday: those who will not now in production for the decline in orders for the first time will have layoffs. Answers to Sunday did fall from the roof a banner reading capital: The fight is charged, because there in front of the railway passes Firenze-Viareggio. I wonder what the passengers must have thought: maybe that was a relic of the famous '68, miraculously survived the elements.
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