Here is a lucid analysis of an important and influential national commentator and scholar it is very useful to understand the situation in Italy!
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manager of Angiolo Panebanco by the Corriere della Sera ) (October 26, 2010)
urban riots, guerrilla night (guards against immigrants Po)), mayors at the mercy of the streets and belly of voters.
Again Lombardy. Of new immigrants. Government Region, Milan , they defend themselves by attacking the left and now the ambiguity of Fini and maybe it is true that the responsibilities are for everyone. But it remains that the Lombardy it is not known to pull out of a situation that, as he wrote earnestly E. Galli della Loggia this newspaper humiliate the whole of Italy. The real drama of the North is not in the grave problems that afflict it. Is that its elites (politicians, businessmen, professionals, intellectuals) are unable to seek solutions and remedies. In the political jargon of a few years ago would have said no 'planning' failed. Do not miss a beat when it comes to Rome to accuse the State, of having "abandoned the NORTH 'an expression that bears witness to a state of guardianship, psychological and cultural (they are children who can not leave).
But they lost a lot when it comes to work to change things. In
sesquicentennial anniversary of the Unification of Italy see that the unit creaks, you hear noises from occurring. If there are no new democracy, as well as works in North , and unity of the country could soon come into a collision course. Historical experience tells us that, often, democracy is a good cure for many ills: over time, is a flourishing civil society based on cooperation and trust, has increased the human and social capital, promote development. But not everywhere.
Of course, not have sixty years of democracy brought the gifts to the North .
Democracy is served in the North , rather than to take care of the old vices, to increase their bargaining power against the State and the less developed regions. Without the North not won national elections and this gives those who defend the North as it is today a fundamental weapon of blackmail against any national political coalition, the right or the left that is. The
I just want to see, for example, certain regions of the north (the ones with the best accounts in surplus in Health) accept without a murmur the transition from historical expenditure costs and provide the standard of their South instrumentation (tac etc..) as stipulated in the design of fiscal federalism, knowing that this would mean a drastic reduction of resources and the obligation to put an end to the money coming from South currently unable to offer its citizens the same health benefits and the state money for the milk quota .
is in this sense that the country's unity and democracy in North risk becoming incompatible. You can not have a settendrionale perennial question: in the long run, you end up undoing what the Risorgimento created.
The most serious aspect is not the arrogance of lobbyists but in the thoughts and words of many people well. Anyone who writes for North know what I mean.
When you touch these arguments you receive many messages from the North , often professionals or teachers. Educated people, who are opinion in their environments. People able to make the apology Savoy kingdom, to treat Cavour and Garibaldi as war criminals, to liquidate the history of united as the result of colonization of an odious claim that "the tricolor need to wipe your ass. "
This form of self-absolution, spiced with black legends on your deeds of the leaders of Italy is the Po Valley has always The Curse of North . If you do not deliver will not change anything. And the "gifts" of democracy remains only an ability to blackmail less and less tolerated by the rest of the country.