Today in to wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year I point out a sobering heavy post .. a bit long but worth it ..
Happy holidays and good reflection ..
The privatization of public institutions and systematic fraud against the citizens of the State ...
's Blog http://paolofranceschetti.blogspot.com/2009/12/la-privati \u200b\u200b...
First of all there is to be noted that the old management of the State, Central had its undeniable flaws, but also had many good qualities. The transformation in
Spa , if not the complete privatization of state agencies that has occurred in recent years has not achieved the goal of making more efficient the state apparatus, but has instead increased inefficiency, increased fraud to the detriment of citizens, and increased the squandering of public money.
We were told the tale that privatization, or conversion into SPA, would have served to make it leaner and more productive public sector bodies.
And we, teachers and lawyers, we were fooled as deficient. Some years ago I published a manual of administrative law where, together with other sheep bleating, but I wrote the usual crap on the privatization of procedural and substantive, modeled on the PA more efficiently, and various crap.
Now when I read those pages, I seem to be written by a brain-injured, but then I console myself when I see the same crap on all the manuals are written, without distinction.
The truth is that we have fucked . The SPA has been transformed into one of the biggest scams ever perpetrated against the citizens. Here are some examples.
The scam Telecom
The transition from Sip Telecom has increased the cost of bills, increased ....( click to continue "read more") inefficiency, and increased fraud. Thousands are citizens who have been to get phony bills, changes in rates are required, and so on.
Since then the state has invented that wonderful charge of 40 € you have to pay to be used, with the compulsory conciliation, the procedural mechanism to defend itself has become impossible to practice, at least when it comes to small sums. The result is that
Telecom and TIM cash out exorbitant sums for small stealing it difficult to defend the city, since the mechanism is applied to hundreds of thousands of users with this system are realized illegal profits of millions of euro.
devised systems are many. From the infamous numbers with prefix 144 , refills for the Internet that end at midnight on the 30 th day without the possibility of charging in advance (so the user forgets the deadline, and capital spending), the holiday cards that entitle you to call 500 free minutes (but do not tell you that at the end of 500 minutes pay a vastly higher price and then pay it ends up that a bloodletting without realizing it), then we inflated bills, cordless phones and sent to those who do not has requested to be charged in the bill; the imagination of the directors of the company is unlimited. One of the best then is to contract a private company outside the sale of certain services in a scam that defrauded then can not retaliate against TIM but should sue the company for services (or who has ceased to operate or is unavailable because the user can not find the number).
And what about the genius of connection fee? So if you're in an area with poor coverage where the line jumps after a few seconds and you need to call ten times, you pay ten shots for no reason.
Telecom and TIM have been convicted several times to pay millions of euro, For example of € 2.4 million for the dialer scams , of € 6.5 million for fraud by sms that conveyed that there were messages on the answering machine never activated by the user, but the money collected immensely with these scams than the fines that had to pay.
The scam Equitalia
Fantastic also the mechanism of transformation in SPA Equitalia , with the resulting laws to collect the taxes. What does
Equitalia ? Email folders with thousands of crazy people. On
1000 citizens receiving back taxes without justification, 200 pay without saying a word, maybe they are investors who have by tens of thousands of euro and to avoid trouble and cost of paying a lawyer and shut up.
Much protest and often get a substantial reduction of the amount to be paid, and then satisfied with the pay reduction, happy to avoid a dispute disbursing " only" few hundred euro instead of the thousands that had been requested to 'beginning. Some time ago, were sent to some pensioners folders for thirty thousand euro, citing an error in the calculation of the liquidation. Many paid, and who went to protest was seen to immediately reduce 500 € the original folder (so many paid, happy to cope with a sum less), and only those who have challenged the folder is not able to pay anything.
A system that has yielded to Equitalia million €.
Some of the folders instead ends up in court, the taxpayer wins the case, but on balance, the whole operation, we Equitalia gaining exorbitant sums.
In many regions of Italy then Equitalia garnishee has hundreds of houses, cars, and property taxpayers, taxpayers who often are even unaware of the payment request.
are delivered back taxes for homeowners never pesseduti; for exercising trades ever made, or have practiced the profession in times when people were unemployed, or even ... in prison.
In practice this mechanism Equitalia thereby providing an enormous flow of capital, which is illegal because it is not due sums, but it is a private company, no director could anything.
The financial police and some prosecutors have begun investigations often, but they will not nor will ever lead to any result, because the crime envisaged ( fraud ) is too bland and time limitation are too short. Moreover
Equitalia has the full support of politicians in the government, because existing laws to allow Equitalia expropriate property from any citizen even in the face of back taxes for 5000 €, with a very rapid process and out of every rule of legal logic that results in the fact that often the city sold the property, even when the court then gives wrong to late Equitalia .
In a newspaper I read about a guy Salerno, the Nuncio Beer, which has been expropriated and sold the house for a credit card (not shown ) of € 15,000, the house (worth 400,000 €) was purchased at auction for € 56 000, after which the company had bought the house proposed to redeem for beer € 200,000. A huge scam. And it is a scam State .
the sole province of Naples the mortgaged properties are 200,000. And often people who are ignorant are mortgaged to have mortgaged the house, and discovered it only when it is put up for sale.
Another ingenious method is to send mini folders from 10-20 € .
So the taxpayer pays and shut up, because it is impossible to reconstruct the correct amount. I come every year such as back taxes of 40-50 € ... for a professional (Whose taxes are determined by a complicated calculation that takes account of all incoming and outgoing invoices, deductions, etc. ...) it is impossible to redo all the accounts and whether those 40 € are right or not; Moreover I am sure that it is impossible to Equitalia someone redo the calculations of annual taxes that concern me. But the only way is to pay, and resign themselves to the scam.
The legal mechanism that underlies the laws that govern the relationship between citizens and Equitalia is provided by DL 203/2005, 112/1999 and 112/1999 from Dlg, and 46/2009, as well as Presidential Decree 602 / 73 and the various rules on dispute tax, although it is complicated to describe in a paper, I think it can be summed up very clearly and effectively in the famous phrase that the Marchese del Grillo said in the movie of the same name: "I (Equitalia) I am, and you do not you're a dick. "
The problem is that from the legal point of view should go to jail all the politicians who voted for the laws that have allowed this state of affairs, because it is a huge scam, designed and perpetrated by politicians with the complicity of administrators, judiciary, information.
Fraud Enel
Not to mention the bills. Light is an essential item, because without it in our homes and offices is not working any more, PC, TV, refrigerator, heating and in some cases even in the country houses which are not connected to the water, the lack of electricity makes it impossible to use the water.
In business and in commercial establishments lack of electricity is equivalent to the blocking of machines.
So here comes a bill that, if improperly charged a few hundred euro should pay now to avoid blockage of the current.
While the costs of a civil lawsuit and appeal to a lawyer normally discourages people from using.
This is the result of privatization in Italy, the privatization of us were presented as the solution of state inefficiency, but which turned out to be one of the clues that reveal the end of our democratic system, because the judiciary and the police are too inefficient and / or corrupt to be able to intervene effectively on a system so pervasive.
Apart from the fact that our penal system is totally out of the oven also theoretically legal, because the penalties for crimes of this type are already ridiculous from the start.
The transformation of the Armed Forces in SPA
The transformation of the Armed Forces in SP A fits in the context of privatization. Here, however, there are additional consequences and advantages (the government).
course at first the service will be the same as before and nothing will change. The defense will continue to remain officially public and as an SPA will only allow for greater ease of cheating in some areas.
Slowly, however, along the lines of what has happened for example with Telecom or Bank of Italy (where the public there is nothing left except the nomen iuris) will expand the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe fields of defense from privatization and global become the scam, until you get the following result:
- elimination of corruption and bribery :
If a public administrator takes a bribe to help someone, marks the crime of corruption, if the administrator Tom threat not to give him his right if he does not pay a bribe, the crime is that of extortion.
If the same conduct is to be the administrator of a private company There is no crime.
Same for the offense of abuse of office .
In other words, privatizing FFAA administrators can assign orders to those who think them, without risking anything in terms of penalty. Material will be purchased billions of inefficient paying ten times their value? It will not be a crime. No one will be punished.
- elimination mechanism of tendering :
Currently public bodies to enter into contracts of any kind, in theory, have to resort to the mechanism of the evidence public. The mechanism of the evidence public (again in theory) ensure that the contract is signed with impartiality and efficiency to the highest bidder.
Hack a race then, even if it's something that happens often, it is still a crime.
When the FFAA be privatized, however, the mechanism of the auction will disappear gradually and public administrators can do what they like.
Obviously this does not happen immediately, initially they will say that despite the role of corporations, the Armed Forces are still required to comply with the rules of public law for contracts, but gradually comes to the disappearance of the mechanism.
- elimination by the Court of Auditors :
All public bodies pass through the control of the Court of Auditors and must periodically submit their budgets to this organ.
This is an imperfect control, bland, often tainted by corruption of the judges of the Court, but still exists. And in theory, if the courts were truly chosen by merit, provided we apply the laws, ensure the legality of the administration.
privatizing FFAA gradually disappear even control Court of Auditors. Other negative mechanisms
them underlined Fabio Piselli in his blog: Administrators, needless to say, buy goods and services from businesses owned by their relatives can decide where to invest the branches and departments or disinvest. Also (and I quote from the blog by Fabio):
" the great danger will live in Italy, where we will have less and less free of the police officers, soldiers increasingly present in the street, of those who until yesterday when responding to the state (us) from now on will respond to the board (they) chosen outright by the minister himself and his cronies have not
syndromes conspiracy, but I have the necessary experience to say that I do not like this at all, our country is not America, is too small to deliver the defense system in private hands privileged areas where we do not know everything, if you do not come from environments that right-or paramilitary, or discover that the Mafia rent the bugs to the police, and this has already happened, and fortunately discovered, thanks to private consultants
people meditate meditate because it seems where reform is not privatization .... "
In past centuries, the king sacked the subject almost everything. And the soldiers were on the king to maintain the established power.
Today the situation is no different. It 's just become more sophisticated methods to steal; has changed the shape is, but the substance remains the same.
The state steals and plunders the city until it can, and the soldiers will be increasingly evident in the pay of the powerful, instead of citizens.
For a few decades later 1945 we had the illusion of being a democracy and the people count for something, with the wonderful concept of the welfare state and popular sovereignty.
Today the illusion is over.
The substance of the law governing the whole mechanism of privatization is that, and leaves no doubt: I am the state, citizens and you're not a dick!